Firefighters For Christ in Phoenix, Arizona
Chapter History
In January, 1998, Firefighters for Christ Phoenix was established as a local chapter of Firefighters for Christ International to encourage and meet the spiritual needs of firefighters in Mesa and the east valley area of the Phoenix metro region.
Our desire is to encourage our firefighters, EMS personnel and other emergency responders to engage and become involved in the chapter. We feel it is very important for us all to connect and encourage one another and families on an ongoing basis for healthy spiritual and mental health. We know that Jesus pours abundant life and power over us, His children, and we want to share this message with love to our brothers and sisters and everyone in our emergency service environment.
August 2022

Bottom row L to R: Pierre Batraville (just finished Surprise FD Academy), Samantha Soza (Tony Soza's Dtr), Elizabeth Soza (Tony's wife), Harold Pickering, David Wright (Honorary FF Member)
Top Row L to R: Derek Block (CPT/PM E37"B"), Robert J Hill, John Labosky (FFC Mentorship), Mike Belle (CPT/PM L41 "B"), Mike Krout (Gila River FF), Dave Rodriguez (Retired City of Phoenix fire engine mechanic), Steve Munoz (FFC Mentorship), Eric Cota (FFC Mentorship)
Taking the picture: FF/PM Tony Soza (Mentorship Program leader).
1) Approximately 1,500 guys and gals came to take the Phoenix Fire Dept Written Exam today. The PFD 'affinity' groups were invited to set up tables outside on the patio of the Convention Center. This photo is just peeking in the door of the right side of the applicants taking the test.
2) Tony NOT ONLY reaches out to firefighter candidates but to other affinity group members and to folks from the Personnel Dept.
3) The lull before the storm. Other groups that were close by were the J.W.Robinson Society, and the Emerald Society.
4) The Valley Women Firefighters.
5) Our table. We handed out invitations for our Mentorship Group with contact info for Tony and Hondo. I was so glad Tony was RIGHT THERE! Within an hour of taking this lonely looking photo, this patio was mobbed.
2) Tony NOT ONLY reaches out to firefighter candidates but to other affinity group members and to folks from the Personnel Dept.
3) The lull before the storm. Other groups that were close by were the J.W.Robinson Society, and the Emerald Society.
4) The Valley Women Firefighters.
5) Our table. We handed out invitations for our Mentorship Group with contact info for Tony and Hondo. I was so glad Tony was RIGHT THERE! Within an hour of taking this lonely looking photo, this patio was mobbed.
1) The SIGN UP SHEET invited guys to give us a phone number and email address and they'd be included on our Firefighters for Christ email list. We collected nearly a page of names.
2) Many of the guys would immediately leave after taking the test but a lot of them would wait outside for friends (I guess) and these are the people who would drop by the affinity group tables.
3) One of these guys was one of our Phoenix Mentorship Group and the OTHER guy was an active Firefighter from the Seattle F.D. who would like to work for Phoenix. Tony knew of several guys from Washington-Oregon F.D. who'd like to come work for Phoenix. (What's going on?) One guy had driven from San Bernardino to take the 'written'. He was on his way back home right after the test. NOT an unusual story.
4) All of the tables of every affinity group were popular. I took this picture when I had more time but minutes later, I didn't have time to take any pictures. I was delighted to see so many of the guys who had been through OUR mentorship classes. (Get ahold of Tony to find out who all these visitors were)
5) Tony and Harold finally having lunch at St 19! We were wishing some of you could have helped talk to some of our 'guests'!
2) Many of the guys would immediately leave after taking the test but a lot of them would wait outside for friends (I guess) and these are the people who would drop by the affinity group tables.
3) One of these guys was one of our Phoenix Mentorship Group and the OTHER guy was an active Firefighter from the Seattle F.D. who would like to work for Phoenix. Tony knew of several guys from Washington-Oregon F.D. who'd like to come work for Phoenix. (What's going on?) One guy had driven from San Bernardino to take the 'written'. He was on his way back home right after the test. NOT an unusual story.
4) All of the tables of every affinity group were popular. I took this picture when I had more time but minutes later, I didn't have time to take any pictures. I was delighted to see so many of the guys who had been through OUR mentorship classes. (Get ahold of Tony to find out who all these visitors were)
5) Tony and Harold finally having lunch at St 19! We were wishing some of you could have helped talk to some of our 'guests'!
Recruits Class
1) Pierre's Firefighters for Christ Fan Club! (Phoenix Chapter)
from left to right: Steve Muñoz, "Stevie" Muñoz, Firefighter Graduate Pierre Batraville,
Tony Soza, David Rodriguez, Pierre Jr, Harold, Robert Hill
2) Blurry picture of the Recruit Class all on stage of Bethany Bible Church
3) David Rodriguez chatting with PFD Chaplain Nick Petrucci
4) Pierre and Steve present stand with two more 'future' firefighters!
5) Pierre's Mom chatting with Dave about how proud she is of her son! We are too!
Nou di "Felisitasyon Mesye ponpye!"
Unfortunately, not pictured is Pierre with his wife! She was there but busy taking PICTURES!
from left to right: Steve Muñoz, "Stevie" Muñoz, Firefighter Graduate Pierre Batraville,
Tony Soza, David Rodriguez, Pierre Jr, Harold, Robert Hill
2) Blurry picture of the Recruit Class all on stage of Bethany Bible Church
3) David Rodriguez chatting with PFD Chaplain Nick Petrucci
4) Pierre and Steve present stand with two more 'future' firefighters!
5) Pierre's Mom chatting with Dave about how proud she is of her son! We are too!
Nou di "Felisitasyon Mesye ponpye!"
Unfortunately, not pictured is Pierre with his wife! She was there but busy taking PICTURES!
Phoenix Prayer Breakfast
May 2022
From Left to right; Three FFC Mesa guys. They accepted the Award (on the table in the foreground) on behalf of Joe Meier of the FFC Mesa Chapter. Robert J Hill FFC Phoenix, Laura Kaino, former City of Phoenix Employees for Christ President. Harold Pickering and David Rodriguez.
Four of those awards were given out at this event including one to former Phoenix Firefighter Ray Davis who quit the Fire Dept. decades ago to become a Pastor in Phoenix, AZ. He is now serving in Desert Breeze Community Church in Phoenix, AZ. (see photo below)
Four of those awards were given out at this event including one to former Phoenix Firefighter Ray Davis who quit the Fire Dept. decades ago to become a Pastor in Phoenix, AZ. He is now serving in Desert Breeze Community Church in Phoenix, AZ. (see photo below)

Ray Davis and his wife Nancy, which was taken at the prayer breakfast. Ray is holding one of the Warrior of God awards that he received

Arizona Diamondbacks vs Pittsburgh Pirates
These 3 pictures were taken at a Recent baseball game between the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Pittsburgh Pirates. Our Phoenix Chaper was asked to set up our table and also recruit some new 'First Responders". We gave out more CDs and books than ever.