Letters from the President

President's Letter Summer 2024

" Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as it's twigs get tender and it's leaves come out, you know that summer is near."
Matthew 24:32

As summer draws near, we reflect back on the first part of 2024. The year started off with our annual trip to the Philippines. We trained 150 firefighters and shared the gospel. There were about 130 who responded to the message. In the past we have left these new converts on their own with no discipleship follow up. This has been a concern of our teams since the start of our training missions.

The Lord laid it on the hearts of Pat Stilson and Phil Scott to start a discipleship training for the Philippine firefighters using a Zoom platform. Phil is considered an FFC-designated evangelist and is starting the discipleship program with the book of Acts. We had a participant accept the Lord by using the raised hand icon 🤚which was a first for all of us. We hope to duplicate this training through out the world.  

In February, Simon Hewitt from the U.K. and myself went to Australia to meet with FFC members there. They are now in the process of setting up the first chapter on the continent and we pray many more will follow.

During the month of March, our Ventura Chapter organized a trip to Mazatlán, Mexico for Ocean Rescue and CPR training. This was a very successful trip and we have been invited back next year to provide Firefighter training.

This fall, we hope to take a trip to Chilpancingo, Mexico to share the Gospel and provide FF training. This is Pastor Burt Almazan's home town. Burt is the FFC pastor and is responsible for our Spanish speaking ministries.

I would like to encourage everyone to meet with us for prayer, every Tuesday morning at 0700 hrs PST. This prayer time has been going on for many years and is the foundation of Firefighters For Christ Ministries.

Topic: Prayer Meeting Room

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Meeting ID: 422 672 0610

Passcode: Ztx1RD

Hebrews 10:24

 "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works"

Thank you for allowing me to serve.

In Jesus' name,